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Coinvexed 4th Generation by David Penn & TCC Magic


"The Final Answer In Coin Bending!" Morgan Strebler

"This takes the original (and great!) Coinvexed tool and gives it an extra 50%. The original was very clever but this just takes the biscuit!"James Brown - Winner of The Magic Circle Close Up Magician of the Year"


15 years ago,David Penn released the coin bending gimmick —— Coinvexed, it established itself as the number one choice for professional magicians all over the world. 


For the following decades, Coinvexed continued to evolve and iterate through to its third generation, quickly selling out and receiving countless positive reviews. 


Today, TCC present to you the even more perfected — Coinvexed 4th Generation, in collaboration with David Penn.


Coinvexed is the final answer in coin bending. You cause two regular signed coins to bend in the hands of your spectator. And not only that, they see the coin bend at your fingertips. 


The newly designed gimmicks by TCC make coin bending even easier to perform. You don't need any special equipment. You don't need to switch anything in or out. You don't need to palm anything. The gimmicks hide in plain sight. You simply hold them in your hands. Coinvexed will deeply affect your spectators and when you give away those coins as a souvenir. They will remember you and your performance forever. 


The brand new Coinvexed gimmick are crafted from ultra-high hardness carbon steel, offering durability that will last a lifetime. The redesigned details make the angle of the coin bending even more perfect while greatly reducing the common issue with coin bending props: the marks left by the tool after bending. The optimized overall size is also more ergonomic, allowing you to perform secret moves with greater ease and comfort.


In the tutorial, follow David Penn's guidance to learn his flawless two-coin bending routine, and you'll also understand why it's so beloved by so many masters.


Get ready to unleash the ultimate signed coin bend on your audience! Reactions are guaranteed! 


"Just when I thought my favourite coin bending gimmick couldn't get any better, David Penn has literally shattered my expectations! The new 'Coinvexed Double Coin Bend' routine is the final answer in coin bending! It is going straight into my set! This will be the first new material from another artist in my show, for two years. It's that damn good!"

Morgan Strebler


"That's F###ing Awesome! Can I Get That Now?" 

David Blaine


"In short, this is superb. The ultimate solution to the bending coin plot. It ticks all the right boxes - commercial, deceptive and extremely memorable. Very highly recommended!"

Rob James- Review for



Two precision made gimmicks

Double Coin Bend Routine

Single Coin Bend

Optical Bends

Psychology Explained

Online Instructions

Special guests -- Marc Lavelle and Amit Badiani


Coinvexed 4th Generation by David Penn & TCC Magic

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